The fifth #blogsync demonstrated that we have a lot to be positive about – and a lot to watch – in respect of the public’s view of teacher professionalism. Powered entirely by the word-of-mouth serendipity of twitter, educational bloggers from many parts of the sector collaborated on sharing their views on what would do most to improve the status of the teaching profession.

To follow is the archive of the blogs and twitter links to their writers. A full description of the mechanics behind #blogsync and the form you can use to sign up can be found here

  1. Joe KirbyHow could teaching become the foremost career in England?
  2. Michael TiddWhat do we mean when we talk about raising the status of the profession?
  3. James McEnaneyDo we need to raise the status of teaching? A view from Scotland
  4. @CherryLKDSo we’re off to a good beginning…
  5. Chris CurtisWhy I idolise Henry VIII
  6. Laura McInerneyPart of the solution: high quality and continuous learning
  7. Mark RobinsonThe profession should influence policy
  8. Chris HildrewSchool leaders hold the key to raising the status of the teaching profession
  9. Gordon Baillie“…the best teachers are those that really want to do it.”
  10. Steven MouldeyUndertake rigorous inquiry into our work and make stronger links with our communities
  11. @SpecialsciteachCSciTeach by the ASE as a method to raise the status of science teaching in the UK
  12. CavKeep Up the Hard Work
  13. Debra KiddDignity and Teacher Status
  14. WonderacademySeven Deadly Things: How we get Respect for Teachers