The tenth #blogsync provided an opportunity for teachers of all walks to write directly to the, then new, Shadow Secretary of State for Education, Tristram Hunt


To follow is the archive of the blogs and twitter links to their writers. Unfortunately Mr Hunt didn’t make the time to reply to these letters, but they remain as an archive of the messages a group of engaged teachers wanted to pass on to him at the beginning of his tenure. History will tell whether he should have paid more attention.

A full description of the mechanics behind #blogsync and the form you can use to sign up can be found here


  1. David EllisDear Tristram.
  2. Amy KeenanDear Mr Tristram Hunt, These are my thoughts about teaching.
  3. Jude EnrightHow every school should be.
  4. NancyAn Open Letter to Mr Tristram Hunt, Shadow Education Secretary.
  5. Michael TiddDear Mr Hunt.
  6. cherrylkdA letter to Tristram Hunt MP. 
  7. Sue CowleyHave a Little Faith.
  8. Dawn CoxThe Purpose of Schools.
  9. Chris ChiversDear Mr Hunt (an inclusion perspective) – and a later open letter: Dear Ms Morgan, Mr Hunt and Mr Laws
  10. Secret TeacherAn Open Letter to Tristram Hunt…
  11. MyfanwyDear Mr Tristram Hunt
  12. CavQTS, Inequality and Political Footballs
  13. specialsciteachDear Mr Hunt
  14. Janet ColledgeAn Open Letter to Tristram Hunt – a careers perspective.
  15. Mary IsherwoodAn Open Letter to Tristram Hunt
  16. Julie ClarkeDear Tristram
  17. Classroom TruthsDear Tristram Hunt